return to the library bookshelf

Getting Back to the Garden

Relto rotating stack with the Prime Age rings in place The purpose of visiting these gardens is two-fold: first, to acquire the one Relto page in Tsogal and the two pages in Delin, and second, to enter the Bahro cave to get one half of a rock ring to add to the rotating ring stack on Relto (available only in the live version). The two halves form the second ring level on the Relto stack.

touch clothThroughout each garden there are seven cloths, each with a spiral symbol. When touched the spiral lights up in its entirety with no way to distinguish one cloth from the next without some specialized information. Each garden has a Bahro cave door held shut by a combination lock on a 2 minute timer. The cloths, which are in the same locations in every instance of the garden, correspond to symbols that appear when the door is activated. The "art" of opening the eder door is a team consisting of a caller and seven pressers, one at each cloth. The caller sets the door in motion and calls the symbols as they appear (using the digits 1-7). If the cloths are pressed in the correct sequence within the time limit the door opens and all who need to collect half a rock ring can run through. If the door times out, it will reset. A cloth pressed out of sequence or a cloth pressed more than once will also cause a reset.

the seven door symbols

Page Three

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