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Eder Tsogal & Eder Delin

These two beautiful garden ages can only be accessed in the live exploration of the Cavern, but with a hopeful eye toward the future we are preserving what we learned about these gardens. The main purpose of these gardens is to create teamwork amongst the explorers. Every bevin has an instance of just one garden.


Eder Tsogal

The more common garden is Tsogal, a bright sunny place with a splashing fountain and deep grass in marshy pools. There is a Relto page here that adds grass to the sky island. Because six of the seven cloths are within sight of the door it is the easier door to open and can be done with fewer that a full team of eight. It has been opened by as few as two, but this is almost always a matter of waiting for a perfect combination to appear -- one that allows those taking multiple cloths a chance to move from one cloth to the next within the sequence.


Only about one bevin in ten has a Delin book, and it is the only age that has seasonal changes. It started off as a snowy world, but in spring came a thaw and we saw the garden become warm and bright, only to freeze again with the coming of winter.

Eder Delin

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